Diffusing essential oils is a great way to help you fall asleep. The most popular type of diffuser used for sleeping, cold air emitters dispersed the scented molecules using water instead of heat which makes them more effective at helping people relax and get their sleep routine going!
Essential oils are the new way to sleep better. One of the most popular ways, diffusing them through a cold air diffuser helps disperse essential oil molecules in your home using water instead of heat - unlike an aroma burner or lamp which uses direct flame!
Read on more about the Sleep Blend Essential Oil - How do they work
DIY Essential Oil Sleep Blend Recipes

Sleep Tight Diffuser Blend
2 drops of lavender oil
1 drop of sweet marjoram oil
1 drop of patchouli oil
1 drop of ylang ylang oil
High quality diffuser
To make your own cold air diffuser, add the oils with water in it. Follow instructions for use and you'll be able to enjoy a refreshing blast of clean oxygen!
Homemade Sleep Cream
1 cup shea butter
1 / 2 cup coconut oil
20 drops of lavender oil
15 drops of rose
10 drops of cedarwood oil
10 drops of roman chamomile oil
Double boiler
Hand mixer
8 oz amber glass jar
In a double boiler, melt the shea butter and coconut oil.
Once it is melted, allow it to cool then add essential oils.
Mix it well, then place it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
Whip the mixture with hand mix to get a thick white cream.
Transfer it to an amber glass jar and store in a cool dry place.
To use it, rub all over the body after a night time shower. This sleep cream can be used for kids as well.
Soothing Bath Blend
2 cups Epsom salts
20-25 drops of lavender oil
10 drops of cedarwood oil
1 / 2 cup whole milk
While the water is running in a hot bath, throw Epsom salts into it and let them disperse.
When you're ready to make your bath an aromatic experience, simply draw the water and add half a cup of whole milk before dropping in essential oil drops.
Add this mixture to the bath and immediately get in.
Relax for 15 minutes.